2013.10.26 Caring Function – Happy Rice Delivery |
2013.10.11 ACRA Bowling Competition (Tinwood Cup) |
2013.07.19 ACRA Basketball Tournament |
IVE (Morrison Hill) Student Awards Reception cum Career Day 2013 |
Energy audit inspector training course - Sep/Oct 2013 |
Dear All ACRA Members,
We are pleased to announce that the 7th & 8th Intake courses for Energy Audit Inspector Training Course will be launched in September and October 2013.
The 7th Intake Course will be launched on 7th, 14th, 28th September 2013 and 5 Oct 2013 (Sat) at 1000-1300 and the 8th Intake Course will be launched on 10th, 17th, 24th, 26th September 2013 (Tue & Thu) 0700-1000, both at the venue of 3/F Kai Fu Commercial Center, No. 982 Canton Road, Kowloon.
ACRA is being offered HK$1,500 to our members. Attached please find the flyers for details.
Please fill-out the attached form for registry with the cross cheque to “ H.K. & KOWLOON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & APPLIANCES TRADE WORKERS UNION” by post; or call (852) 2393 9955/2626 1927 reserved the seats in advance before registry or any further enquiry.
Please Click here to download the 7th inspector flyer
Please Click here to download the 8th inspector flyer |
Dear All ACRA members,
Due to personal reason of the speaker, Mr. Ball is unable to perform his speech on June 27. However, Ms. Pan to make a speech for the same topic on Aug 1. Therefore we need to distribute a new flyer to all of you. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience caused you. An revised copy of LEED - ASHRAE Basics Seminar is attached.
Please Click here to download the flyer
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Original Content :
ASHRAE Standards are used in numerous credits throughout the LEED Rating System. However, they are not gone into detail in the LEED Reference guide, and many LEED APs’ outside of the engineering industry don’t understand the full parameters of these Standards. A review of the relevant ASHRAE Standards used throughout the LEED Rating System would benefit both ASHRAE members considering their LEED AP credentialing and current LEED AP’s. Attendance certificate will be provided after the program.
As one of the supporting organizations, ACRA would like to introduce it to our members under special offer price HK$1,100 per person. Please complete the registration form and return it together with deposit slip by email to marketing@jadegees.com or fax to 8101-8633. An E-letter of confirmation will be sent. Payment Account - JADE GEES Limited - 078-437555-838 at HSBC.
Date : 1 August 2013 (Thursday)
Time : 6:30pm – 9:30pm
Venue : 4th Floor, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon.
CPD : 6 Hours
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Seminar on Electrical Work Safety 23-7-2013 |
Dear All ACRA Members,
Please be informed that Seminar on Electrical Work Safety (電力工作安全研討會)offered by Occupational Safety & Health Council will be held on 23 July 2013 (Tuesday) from 3pm to 5pm (Starting Registry at 2:30pm).
If you are interested to attend it, please kindly fill out the attached form on or before 12 July 2013 and email to charles@oshc.org.hk OR by post to Occupational Safety & Health Council, 19/F., China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Please see the flyer for details.
Please Click here to download the flyer |
Norak’s Ark 21 July 2013 – Still waiting your donation! |
Dear All 各位會員:
As the seats are limited, 20 parent + 20 children together with 18 volunteers/helpers within ACRA is targeted for the program of Norak’s Ark “One Day Visit” on 21 Jul 2013 (Sunday) which cooperation by Open Door Ministries targeted to those children under 12 years old who parent’s income might be under the average standard of living.香港空調及冷凍商會與開心社區合作在本年7月21日舉行挪亞方舟一天遊為12歲以下低收入家庭的兒童提供一些戶外活動.因接載名額有限,開心社區現籌劃目標只能服務二十位父母帶同二十位兒同連同本會義工十八位配合此項目.
Assembly Time & Date will be 0830 at Open Door Ministries, Unit 1, G/F, Tak Lei House, Tak Tin Estate, Lam Tin, Kowloon.
Here below is the schedule of the date :
上午8時30分至8時45分 – 義工點名及開心社區服務集合 Assembly
上午8時45分至9時 - 義工簡介會及接待參加者 Welcome & Briefing
上午9時15分至10時正 - 車程前往挪亞方舟 Going to Norak’s Ark
上午10時至10時30分 - 致送感謝紀念品, 全體拍照 Group Photos and Souvenirs Dispatch
破冰遊戲—義工與兒童互相認識和開始建立關係 Game – Building up relationship with each other
上午10時30分至12時 - 參觀挪亞方舟(方舟花園,多媒體博覽館,珍愛地球館,方舟生命教育) Visiting
下午12時至1時 - 方舟餐廳粵式午餐 Lunch
下午1時至4時 - 參觀挪亞方舟(大自然公園,跨越奇園小型繩網, 特別展覽, 太陽館) Visiting
下午4時至5時 - 回程返開心社區服務 Back to Open Door Ministries Center
下午5時至5時半 - 義工分享會 Sharing Meeting
Now we are still collecting ACRA members donation HK$1,250/each company but also waiting ACRA volunteer(s)/helpers for returning the reply slip with Chinese Full Name and Gender.在此,我們除正收集每公司捐助港幣一千二百五十元善款外, 也等侯會內義工填回回應表支持(請提供中文全名及性別)
All the participants are free of charge for attending the activity.
All the income will be only used in ACRA’s Charity Activities under our ledger of ACRA Caring Company, however it is not limited to only this event, if any surplus which will be carried down as the budget of the coming activities.香港空調及冷凍商會-商界展關懷內的收益只用作慈善用途但不只限於此次活動,除必要支出後如有餘款,我方將把款項撥入香港空調及冷凍商會-商界展關懷內的慈善帳戶作下次活動之經費用途.
Please give us your sincere response immediately by return the attached Reply Slip with a crossed cheque payable to “The Hong Kong Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Association Ltd.” and post it to Room 1801, Tung Wai Commercial Building, 109-111 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong on or before 10 July 2013.
現在請聽取您內心的善良回嚮聲,立刻填上回應表附上善款支票於2013年7月10日前傳真至2598 0102給我們.
Appreciated your support in advance! 預先感謝您的參予及支持!
祝 商祺
Please Click here to download the Reply Slip |
Technical Visit to Macao Municipal Waste Incinerator |
Dear All ACRA Members,
We are pleased to inform you that the Technical / Legislation Committee of FEMC is organizing a technical visit to the Macao Municipal Waste Incinerator ( 澳門垃圾焚化中心) on 19 July 2013 (Friday), the schedule of the program from 0900 to 1730 for members' participation.
Participants Fee for Round Trip HK$650 per person or One Way HK$489 per person is offering to ACRA Members.
For reservation, please complete and return the Reply Slip to HKFEMC Secretariat on or before 5 July 2013.
Seats are limited, first come first served. Please refer to the Circular by HKFEMC for details.
Please Click here to download the Reply Slip |
Half Day Symposium on Energy Efficient Chilled Water Production on 13 July 2013 (Saturday) |
Dear All ACRA Members,
Sorry to inform you that the “Half Day Symposium on Energy Efficient Chilled Water Production” on 13 July 2013 is already fully booked and closed the registry, so that ACRA members might not be available to go into the online registry link.
ACRA will inform our members immediately for the coming seminar again once be informed.
Thank you for your patronage!
Please Click here to download the flyer
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Original Message :
The Energy Institute Hong Kong, the Ability R&D Energy Research Centre of City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Association of Energy Engineers jointly organize a half-day “Symposium on
Energy Efficient Chilled Water Production” on 13 July 2013 (Saturday) 0910-1230 for their members at LT-2 (Academic 1), City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong. CPD attendance certificates will be issued to attendees.
Air-conditioning system is the biggest electricity consuming facility in commercial buildings in Hong Kong. Any improvement to the energy efficiency of air-conditioning systems can achieve significant
energy saving and indirect reduction in fossil-fuel based air pollution emissions. Majority of energy used in space cooling is producing and distributing chilled water supply to the individual equipment. In this
Half-Day Symposium, the speakers will present the latest technologies that improve the energy efficiency of air-conditioning systems.
As ACRA is one of the supporting organizations that ACRA members can enjoy the course for Free of Charge also. Please register on-line through http://goo.gl/4Tf1t (copy this link and paste on the browser
should it cannot be linked directly) on or before 9 July 2013. Please refer to the attached Flyer for details.
If you need ACRA further assistance, please email to info@acra.org.hk.
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Technical Seminar on Global Construction Trends Affecting Project Productivity - 10 July 2013 |
Dear All,
Technical Seminar on “Global Construction Trends Affecting Project Productivity”, FSICA is offering it in English on 10 July 2013 (Wed) at the Lecture Theatre at Hong Kong Productivity Council, 1/F HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Road, Kowloon.
The event will be jointly organized by Victaulic and FSICA. Free attendance but seats are limited.
Please send the completed registration form to FSICA by fax: 3747 3367 or email: info@fsica.org.hk if you are interested to join it. (Please see the attached flyer for the details).
Successful applicants will be notified on or before 5 July 2013. Please call Ms. Ling Ho, the Administrator of FSICA at Tel. 2390 6368 for further enquiries.
Please Click here to download the flyer |
ACRA Basketball Tournament on 9th July and 19th July 2013 |
Dear All ACRA Members,
We are pleased to announce that the ACRA Basketball Tournament 2013 will be launched on 9th July (Tue) and 19th July (Fri) 2013.
If you are interested to join in, please return the attached entry form to me on or before 27 June 2013, via fax 2572-5183 or
E-mail Address: mel@meco-group.com.
Acceptance will be based on the first come first served principle. Please see the flyers for the details.
Looking forwards to seeing you in the joyful nights!
Please Click here to download the flyer |
Training Course on "Building Information Modelling (BIM) using Autodesk Revit MEP" on 9, 10, 11, 12 July 2013 |
Dear All members,
BIM is becoming a resourceful management tool for the construction industry. It has been adopted by Housing Authority with success and it is gaining recently popularity in the private sector. Our engineers cannot get ahead without being equipped with this knowledgeable skill.
Training Course on "Building Information Modelling (BIM) using Autodesk Revit MEP" by Autodesk Authorized Training Centre of Forida Ltd. is offering of total : 4 sessions on 9, 10, 11 & 12 July 2013 (Tuesday - Friday) from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Unit A , 10/F , Wyler Centre I ,202-210 Tai Lin Pai Road , Kwai Chung, HK.
Certificate of Attendance will be issued to trainees after attending a whole session of course. Member of ACRA be offered HK$2,500.-/head. Reservation in advance is required. Please complete the registry form and fax back to 2519 0298 for reservation, then mail it together with the appropriate fee to HKFEMC office (Room 1801, 18/F., Tung Wai Commercial Building, 109-111 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong) on or before 2 July 2013. Cheque should be crossed and made payable to “The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Ltd.”
Attached please find the Registry Form and the flyers for your easy reference.
Please Click here to download the flyer
Please Click here to download the Outline |
Technical Seminar on Safety & Proper Handling of Refrigerants for HVAC Application |
TO: ALL ACRA MEMBERS & Constituent Associations
DATE: 9 April 2013
SUBJECT: Technical Seminar on Safety & Proper Handling of Refrigerants for HVAC Application
It is noted that there is a growing concern in the HVAC industry on the safety issues of the refrigerants due to recent accidents. This program is going to give you a comprehensive view on the safety issues and proper handling procedures for refrigerants commonly used in the HVAC industry. The physical characteristics of refrigerants, the operating procedures in servicing an air-conditioning equipment and the safety at workplace will be discussed. Relevant safety regulations and applicable code of practices for refrigerants including the recent new hydrocarbon refrigerants will also be reviewed.
Interested members please refer to attached flyer and register directly through e-mail to ACRA office. For enquires please contact Ms. Theresa Chau at 9676-9237 during office hours.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Best Regards
Bill Cheung
Chairman of ACRA Training Committee
Please Click here to download the flyer |